Texas Game Warden Says Job is His Lifelong Calling

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Texas Parks and Wildlife game warden, Dan Waddell, is working in the profession that he says he has dreamed of since he was a young boy.

In a recent interview with the veteran warden, Waddell stated that his job is everything he expected it would be and more, but also that life as a game warden can be a little bit overwhelming. He cited one recent day in particular that had him navigating the Texas brush on foot for several hours in the blistering summer heat as part of an investigation into possible illegal activity in the area. At the end of the day, his efforts yielded nothing.

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Such is the life of a game warden in the state of Texas. According to Waddell, sometimes it is the most exciting adventure you could ever imagine, and sometimes it is an uphill grind that results in little to no reward for your efforts. But that is exactly the way Waddell says he likes it.

Born and raised in San Angelo, Texas, Waddell joined the Air Force after he graduated High School and spent four years serving his country. Following that at age 22, he applied for a job as a game warden but was initially turned down. He has a two-year college degree but the position required a four-year degree.

So Waddell enrolled in classes and began pursuing the degree he needed in order to become a game warden for the state of Texas. He eventually got his bachelor’s degree but when he did, Texas Parks and Wildlife was not hiring.

Waddell then applied for and was hired by the US Border patrol where he spent 13 years as an agent. He never lost the urge to serve the state of Texas as a game warden, however, and as soon as the state began hiring again, Waddell jumped at the opportunity and applied, this time being hired on in his long-awaited position as a Texas game warden.

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